Monday, October 14, 2019

Proper Tales Press 40th anniversary essay: Amelia Does

A few years ago I was introduced to the world of small press publishing through my partner Tom Prime, who had a chapbook published by Proper Tales Press (A Strange Hospital). I was slightly surprised to learn that the little books I make have not just a name, but are almost like a genre, and that people actually buy them!

One day we were walking down Augusta toward Spadina as Tom stated “I never run into anyone when I visit Toronto.” Suddenly a man with a heavy shoulder bag, a completely sweet and disarming smile and billowing curls appeared directly in front of us, it was Stuart Ross. He took this photo at that moment.

After that day Stuart became a friend, an inspiration and a big influence on my writing. Through his publications and his own writing I discovered I wasn’t crazy at all. Or rather, I had the same insanity as other writers! Yes, you can express yourself in any way you want, with words and paper. And other people do it too.

Stuart introduced me to the great Mark Laba and Rebecca Fishow (who I publish in my zine, Dogbed) and a few others who possess what Stuart states are unique, individual voices.

Just this week I was thrilled to receive the first copy of a chapbook of my poetry published by Proper Tales Press (Amsterdam: The ABBA Version)! It is always uplifting to be published, but to be published by a writer you love as an artist and a person is very special. Stuart is responsible for giving creative people a voice, an outlet and even a community. His dedication and love of writing, performing and hanging out with other writers has truly changed lives. Stuart’s support of my partner’s work (a marginalized artist who was trying to get published while homeless and then working in shitty factories) has helped him on the road to starting his PhD this year.

But do you know what I love most about Stuart and Proper Tales Press? That Stuart stood on the street for years selling his poetry with hilarious signs around his neck. Congratulations Stuart on 40 years of enriching and supporting culture with your passion and enthusiasm. It is well-needed and appreciated by so many.

Amelia Does is an artist and writer from London Ontario. Her work has been published in journals such as Acta Victoriana, Cineforum Italia and Incite. She has self-published a biography, a children’s book and a short story book.

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Proper Tales Press 40th Anniversary Essay: Rebecca Fishow

In 2012, newly graduated from my MFA program, I left cold Syracuse, New York for colder Montreal. I didn’t have much of a plan, or a c...