Friday, August 2, 2019

Proper Tales Press 40th anniversary essay: Dale Tracy

Reading Each Other

Into a remarkable meeting of words I happened, invited by a chapbook launch, by people and their books. My own proper tale grew its covers before I knew much about the story we were in, but the words catching my first look with their fishing nets winked and nodded. Now how far back the words go waves all its people like twined fingers exposed inside two hands, twined laurels or other braided plants of feats the tale’s people achieve for it. So many people in forty years to know inside those hand bindings and Proper Tales offers the records that keep marking people and books that I’m sure don’t behave properly to sit still for the picture to capture or remark them. I’m sure the Proper Tales people are in each other’s books, reading each other. Stuart Ross gets people reading each other with poems who participate in book recommendation and bibliography. How many words’ nets I am wearing now for reading them! Proper Tales makes me want to know all the ways to not sit still the people and their words have found. But I don’t have the retrospective perspective. This is an anticipation.

Dale Tracy teaches in the Department of English, Culture, and Communication and is currently the Associate Chair of the Writing Centre at the Royal Military College of Canada. The focus of her scholarly work varies as much as her curiosity, but poetry is one of her favourite areas of specialty. She wrote the monograph With the Witnesses: Poetry, Compassion, and Claimed Experience (McGill-Queen’s, 2017) and the four-poem chapoem What It Satisfies (Puddles of Sky Press, 2016).

She is the author of the Proper Tales Press title Celebration Machine (2018).

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